Anthroposophical Medicine

Anthroposophical Medicine

Anthroposophic medicine is integrative medicine. It is rooted in existing science-based medicine, but takes the whole person into account in its methods, diagnosis and treatment. It gives equal importance to the patient's body, soul and spirit and recognizes their unique biography.

It is an integrative multimodal therapeutic system based on a holistic understanding of man and nature, disease and treatment. Anthroposophical medicine is based on the concept of four levels of formative forces and three models of human nature. Anthroposophic medicine is integrated with conventional medicine in large hospitals and clinics. Medicines derived from plants, minerals and animals, art therapy, eurythmy therapy, rhythmic massage, counselling, psychotherapy and special nursing techniques such as external embolization are applied.

Anthroposophic medicine is provided by doctors, therapists and nurses. The Health Technology Assessment Report and its latest update identified 265 clinical studies on the efficacy and effectiveness of anthroposophic medicine. The results were mostly positive. These studies and several specific safety studies showed good tolerability without major risks. Economic analysis showed that the cost structure was favorable. Patients expressed high satisfaction with anthroposophic medicine.